Thursday, September 15, 2005

Adrift on the 'storm surge' of digital scrapbooking websites

Ok, for the last year I have been consumed by yet another new obsession -- digital scrapbooking! I've been scrapbooking the 'old-fashioned way' for a few years -- and I still love it, but it is so much easier to do the digital variety with a one-year-old in the house -- not nearly as many things for her to get into...

And I've settled down a bit from a few months back (I need SOME sleep, after all...) Since digital scrapbooking is so much freaking FUN, there are tons of sites popping up and tons of designers. You could easily spend all day running around & just "collecting" -- which I did at first and still find myself doing occasionally. Then you have a hard drive full of elements & still no pages scrapped.

Simplify, simplify, simplify....

So I'm concentrating my efforts on just one 'full-service' site and I pop in on a few of my favorite designer's sites from time to time. (I'll list 'em in my next entry, promise!)

But I absolutely MUST list one site as the VERY FIRST stop for all digital scrappers -- or paper scrappers who are thinking of dipping a toe into the digital pool, so to speak -- here it is:
Digiscrappin' with Jen -- practical advice for the digital scrapper.

Instead of waiting for me to post my meager little bits of hard-earned wisdom, go & take a look at hers -- they are much more coherent!!


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