I want to tell you about my absolute favorite first book for scrapbooking -- it's Simple Scrapbooks "
A Simple Guide to Designing Scrapbooks". Although it is paper-oriented, the design principles apply to both paper & digital scrapbook layout design. I really like that it helps me to develop my design skills so I can create my own layouts and learn what works about them rather than simply copying the work of others, whether through sketches, blueprints or outright scraplifting.
Another book I really like -- and it's also along the lines of developing design skills -- is Michele Gerbrandt's "Mastering Scrapbook Page Design". I haven't had a lot of time to use it much, but I've wanted it for quite some time. Maybe I'll get a chance over the holidays, as DH's parents are soooo good to me and they'll keep DD entertained (or is it the other way around?).
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