To Digital Scrapbook Kit Designers, a teensy little request...
In case anyone out there is listening (reading?), a nice little thing you very talented and often also incredibly generous folks could do for us, your customers is this:
When you include previews or graphical readme files in your kits or other downloads, please use and exclamation point (!) as the first character in the file name. As in !preview.jpg or !kitname.jpg. -- that way, when we sort the files alphabetically, they are always at the top of the list. Pretty nifty, huh?
I rename those files myself, but if that became an industry standard, that would be pretty nice, no?
And while I'm making Christmas wishes (hee, hee, greedy aren't I?), including your name (or at the very least your initials) in the file name of each and every file would also be helpful -- and it would make it easier for us to give proper and complete credit when we post our creations made with your creations in the galleries "around town".
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